The Detective Dog at The Lowry
Shekina Rose, Families EditorComing up in 2024… The Detective Dog at The Lowry, produced by Tiny & Tall Productions, previously known as Tessa Bide Productions. Families can enjoy a special stage adaptation of the popular story The Detective Dog by Julia Donaldson and Sara Ogilvie. This performance is designed for both deaf and hearing families.
Meet Nell. Nell is no ordinary dog. She’s a detective dog who loves solving mysteries. She works with her owner, Peter, a school caretaker. Each evening, Peter and Nell go on a walk through the school, where Nell uses her keen sense of smell to solve problems and mysteries.
One day, something terrible happens. The school’s books start to disappear from the school library. Nell decides to use her detective skills to help find the missing books. She follows her nose and sniffs out the trail of the book thief…
The story celebrates the bond between Nell and Peter and highlights the joy of reading and the magic of imagination. It’s a heartwarming and engaging tale for young readers.
The show will include British Sign Language, captions for the dialogue, and spoken English, making it accessible to everyone. It features captivating puppetry, delightful scents, and catchy music. The production is suitable for ages 3 to 103!
The Detective Dog at The Lowry is supported by Arts Council England. Find out more about the production by watching the trailer below.