The Glang Show
Ian Jones, Food and Drink EditorThe Lovely Time gang have another top-notch event at GRUB’s live space, Chapeltown Picture House, on Saturday 1st October. And this one is a pretty special event as Sean Morley, half of the most correct political podcast on the planet, Mandatory Redistribution Party (also featuring Jack Evans), is leaving this wonderful Brexit-voting, queue-loving nation for… some other nation where they don’t do that.
As such, here is his farewell show, The Glang Show. What’s it about? You tell me. The only clues we have come from the mangled mind of the man himself:
The Glang Show is Earth’s most prestigious comedy anti-competition.
The Glang Show came to me in a dream.
Comedy’s hungriest champions shall prove their mettle and transcend their limits. After the dream I was shaking and cold.
You sit at the Helm of Glang.
Order, chaos, these are your instruments.
I trust you completely.
I will never sleep again.
Created by Sean Morley, benevolent angel from the weirdo fringes of UK comedy scene. Sean is leaving soon. This is your chance to say goodbye.
If you like that, you’ll like this. If you don’t like that, there are plenty of meat and spuds comedy nights out there, off you pop. As for the Guardian, it says of Sean’s big ol’ brain: “It defies any sort of description … joyful, wonderful fun.”