Paul Auster Q&A at HOME
Sarah-Clare Conlon, Literature Editor
It’s been thirty years since the publication of Paul Auster’s seminal book The New York Trilogy, and HOME is celebrating in style – with not only the UK premiere of the stage adaptation of TNYT part one, City of Glass, but also related events, including a special film season, Paul Auster: Man of Cinema. There’s also this talk, Q&A and signing with the man himself. Coinciding with the theatre production, and celebrating his 70th birthday (and recent anti-Trumpiness), the NYC-based author will be chatting about his writing and his new novel 4 3 2 1, described as the “crowning work of Auster’s extraordinary career”. We can only assume from these words that he’s going into retirement, so this is likely to be a unique chance to quiz him – start thinking up suitably life-changing questions now.