New Fiction at Blackwell’s
Sarah-Clare Conlon, Literature Editor
The shiny new Blackwell’s bookshop is now officially open, and Thursday 21 March sees one of its debut events, a debut fiction event! With readings and book signing by three first-timers, introduction comes courtesy award-winning writer, The Forge senior editor and creative writing tutor Valerie O’Riordan. You can also catch Valerie hosting White Review Prize-winner Ruby Cowling in Bolton next Tuesday, 26 March.
Back at the New Fiction event, meanwhile, you’ll be hearing from three exciting new authors, each from independent publishers: Amy Arnold, whose Guardian-acclaimed Slip Of A Fish is out with & Other Stories (seen recently at the Dostoyevsky Wannabe-organised Manchester Indie Book Fair), Glen James Brown with his Parthian-published novel Ironopolis and SK Perry, whose Let Me Be Like Water is on Melville House.