Emma Decent at The Portico Library
Sarah-Clare Conlon, Literature Editor
Performer, poet and writer Emma Decent says she “makes drama from life”, and she is quite the story-teller. We saw her last show, Beyond Dreams Of Aberystwyth, about her late father, in a tiny village hall somewhere along the coastline of deepest darkest West Cumbria, and it was interesting, intriguing and quite the emotional rollercoaster, as we recall. Or was that the Ratty narrow-gauge railway nearby?
Anyway, Emma’s new show, I Don’t Know What I’m Supposed To Be Doing, is being rolled out in libraries – currently The Portico, complete with its “Polite Literature” section, and Burnley Library, to be precise. It’s largely about her mother, who was a librarian, and the dementia she suffered, and 50% of the proceeds from the door will be donated to the Alzheimer’s Society.
“I don’t know what I’m supposed to be doing” was apparently something Emma’s mum said repeatedly in the early days of her illness, and Emma, herself a library assistant, has found herself asking the very same question more regularly since losing her. Exploring themes including dementia, mother-daughter love and the re-evaluation of relationships, expect a funny, moving and inspiring tale using poetry, theatre – and library books.
Prior to the event, on 4 September, 2-4.30pm, Emma is leading a free writing workshop, taking treasured objects as a starting point for creativity. Book here – places are limited.