Dark Hearts of Space at The Lowry
Andrew AndersonScience is a hot a topic for the arts right now. This is in part thanks to people like Brian Cox and Dara Ó Briain, who have helped make science hip, but also due to a general realisation on the part of artists that science subjects can make seriously good shows (as we saw recently with Incidents of Travel in the Multiverse at HOME and Breaking the Code at the Royal Exchange Theatre).
So, when we heard about Dark Hearts of Space at The Lowry we got really excited. That’s because this project takes on a very cool subject – black holes – and turns it into something we can all understand: a DJ set synced up with stunning visuals.
What will it look like? Well, take the classic Windows Media Player visualiser that kept you entranced for hours, add a splash of art and multiply it by a double dose of serious science and you’ve got your answer.
The sonic side of the story comes from acclaimed techno DJ Dasha Rush, known for her cross-genre creative projects as much as for her incredible dance sets. The visuals come courtesy of Stanislav Glazov, whose abstract style is perfectly suited to the topic of black holes – a gravitational phenomenon that is almost unimaginable for the human mind.
You’ll come expecting an evening of great music – and don’t worry, you’ll get that – but you’ll leave with a greater appreciation of the immense and incredible power of black holes, one of the driving forces of our universe.