Bad Language and EHUP present: Jon McGregor, Zoe Lambert and Rachel Trezise
Sarah-Clare Conlon, Literature Editor
The Edge Hill Short Story Prize is ten and, to celebrate, Edge Hill University Press is publishing anthology Head Land with a special launch event, organised by live lit stalwarts Bad Language, featuring the lesser-spotted If Nobody Speaks of Remarkable Things and IMPAC Dublin Literature Award-winning Even the Dogs author, Jon McGregor.
Pioneered by Edge Hill to spotlight excellence in the short story form, the Prize attracts established writers alongside relative newcomers, showcasing fresh, compelling work from the finest single-author collections published in the UK and Ireland. This new anthology features stories nominated for the Prize, showcasing writing that is sometimes funny, sometimes tragic, but always brilliant. Edited by Rodge Glass, Freight Books published Head Land includes work by Colm Tóibín, Ali Smith, Neil Gaiman, Tessa Hadley, Sarah Hall, Helen Simpson, China Mieville, and Manchester’s Nicholas Royle.
Alongside Jon, other contributors reading under the Portico’s Polite Literature notice will be Zoe Lambert, author of The War Tour, and Rachel Trezise, author of the International Dylan Thomas Prize-winning short story collection Fresh Apples, and In And Out Of The Goldfish Bowl.