Goodtime Games
Carmel Smickersgill, Tours & Activities Editor
Burton Road is well known as an oasis of brunches, wine bars and artisanal bottle shops in South Manchester. Joining them is a café which brings something a little more niche to suburbia. Goodtime Games opened a couple of years ago, taking a roll of the dice on being Manchester’s first board game cafe. The gamble seems to have paid off.
For those of us who are fed up with the handful of dog-eared board games which are gathering dust in the cupboard at home, Goodtime Games’ shelves are piled high with hours and hours of turn-based amusement. Whether you’re settling in for a long campaign of Risk or you’re into something more fast-paced like Flying Goblins, owners Tom and Melissa are on hand with a wealth of knowledge and recommendations.
As well as this treasure trove of table top fun, Goodtime serves an entirely vegetarian (and vegan) menu of treats. With inventively themed bubble waffles and very generous vegan nachos, they make the perfect accompaniment to a rainy afternoon’s entertainment.
As with most places right now, it is advised that you visit their website first and book a table before you visit. Goodtime Games is a fine addition to Burton Road and a very welcoming place for young and old gamers alike.