Botanical Gardens
Alexander Iles
The Botanical Gardens are a short distance from the city centre and cover ten hectares of land, taking you across the world and introducing you to the beautiful diversity of plants across the world. Having begun after the expansion of the University encroached on the old gardens, the botanical gardens have been on their current site since the 1970’s and provide a wonderful walk for visitors and students off the university. The Garden provides a wonderful insight into plants from all over the world with different biomes being found in each and every corner. From a bamboo grove through to an alpine garden (taking you from the far east to a skiing holiday!) there is something for everyone. The gardens also have their own glasshouses, protecting the more fragile plants that would struggle in the cooler weather. Once you have walked the gardens there is also an arboretum which is often grazed by rare breed sheep and a wildflower meadow bringing your walk back home to the British Isles.