The Ghosts of Christmas Past at St George’s Hall
Sarah-Clare Conlon, Literature Editor
Charles Dickens’ classic ghost story A Christmas Carol is brought to life, so to speak, in the spooky surrounds of the catacombs beneath the lovely mosaic floors of St George’s Hall. Four times a day (6pm, 6.45pm, 7.30pm and 8.15pm) in the run-up to Yuletide, The Ghosts of Christmas Past promenade tour will meander through the hall’s eerie underground cells and passageways for a special seasonal storytelling event. Actors will be waiting to scare the Dickens out of audience members as they follow Ebenezer Scrooge’s haunted journey to meet the spectres of his life and heed the messages from the other side.
The immersive theatrical experience is the latest production from LoveHistory, the creative team behind previous subterranean successes at the Grade-I listed building, and The Ghosts of Christmas Past promises a unique experience with, the bumph says, some unforgettable surprises in store. And, aptly, Dickens was a regular here, reading his work to the public on numerous occasions in the hall’s Concert Room. Perhaps there will be some real ghostly sightings – prepare to channel your inner Derek Acorah…