Little Wimmin at HOME
Kristy Stott, Theatre EditorJoin Figs in Wigs at HOME Manchester for their live art feminist adaptation of Louisa May Alcott’s revered 19th-century classic. Little Wimmin takes an outlandish and anarchic look at the literary canon, people’s obsession with ‘the classics’ and the traditional theatrical form.
A pleasing blend of fierce feminist performance art, dance and avant-garde humour.
In a highly conceptual performance, Figs in Wigs blur the boundaries between live art, theatre, comedy, music and dance. Breaking and rebuilding, this brilliant performance troupe link the classic story about the four March sisters to modern concerns: collaboration, climate change and women’s changing role in society. Riotous, playful and witty, Little Wimmin asks us to consider the past, the present and what we can do about the future.
Boundary-exploding absurdist meta works that critically examine the creative form.
Figs in Wigs have been making work collaboratively since 2012. Often taking a multidisciplinary approach, their performances deliberately resist classification. Fiercely feminist, the company draws on many theatre traditions – farce, the fourth wall and ‘bad’ acting – to create boundary-exploding absurdist meta works that critically examine the creative form. The company revels in smashing that which is viewed as ‘high culture’, against that considered to be ‘lowbrow entertainment’ and by doing so, asks us to question the ways by which we attribute value to cultural output.
It’s safe to say this production is not a direct translation of Little Women. Brilliantly trippy with super gaudy costumes and cabaret-style glitz, Figs in Wigs’ bring a bold and pleasing blend of fierce feminist performance art, dance and avant-garde humour to HOME this March.