Sites of Resistance at Number 70 Oxford Street
Polly Checkland Harding
Sites of Resistance, part of the Humanities in Public Festival, is a series of three events at Number 70 Oxford Street that think about various ways to challenge injustice. The first, ‘Sites of Resistance: Speaking Truth to Power’ (Thursday 9 March, 6pm-8pm), explores the role of the documentary film maker in confronting injustice; connected to the work of academics in the MMU Sociology department focused on Joint Enterprise laws and the Hillsborough tragedy, the event will feature the screening of sections of recent documentaries, followed by discussion. The second event, ‘Sites of Resistance: Collective Thought and Action’ (Thursday 16 March, 6pm-8pm), takes a specific look at the role and value of the academic in working with campaigners and activists to connect struggles for justice across a range of issues and events – leading to strategies used to collectively ask questions of the State.
Finally, the third event ‘Sites of Resistance: Giving Voice to the Next Generation’ (Thrusday 23 March, 6pm-8pm) aims to provide an activist space within which young people from local communities impacted by crime and criminalisation can make their contribution to the debate.
The three consecutive events all run Thursday evenings 6pm–8pm at Number 70 Oxford Rd, in rooms OX G.09 & OX LB.02. All events are free but separate booking is necessary.