Self-Repairing Cities – Mark Miodownik at LJMU Exhibition Research Lab
Creative Tourist
‘Self-Repairing Cities’ is a talk by Mark Miodownik (Professor of Materials and Society, University College London) curated by The Serving Library in partnership with LJMU’s Exhibition Research Lab for Liverpool Biennial 2018.
As a result of our greater understanding of matter, the distinction between animate and inanimate is now becoming blurred, ushering in a new materials age. Bionic people with synthetic organs, bones and even brains are becoming a reality. Just as we are becoming more synthetic, so our man-made environment is changing to become more lifelike: buildings, objects and materials that heal themselves are being developed. This talk will review the science behind these new animate material technologies and considers whether a particular goal, that of creating self-repairing cities, is achievable.