LJMU Exhibition Research Lab
Maja Lorkowska, Exhibitions Editor
Located in the Liverpool School of Art and Design, the LJMU Exhibition Research Lab (ERL) is the first academic centre and art gallery in the UK dedicated to the interdisciplinary study of exhibitions and curatorial knowledge. If it sounds a little meta, it is – the ERL puts on exhibitions about exhibitions in the form of a laboratory for experiments. It provides a platform for new thinking about displaying art, trying out new curatorial techniques and sharing them with the public.
The ERL was founded in 2012 and is situated in a glass-fronted corner space of the School of Art and Design, looking out onto the street yet still remaining a little out of view. It’s usually accessible through the main entrance to the building rather than the directly from the street.
As well as regular exhibitions, ERL’s activities include talks, seminars, conferences, workshops and collaborative publications, such as the DATA Browser book series and Liverpool Biennial journal Series. There is also a residency and fellowship programme which focuses on encouraging collaboration between artists, curators and scholars working locally and internationally.
If you’re popping in to see an exhibition and attend a talk, the ERC is located in a quiet part of town, dominated by university buildings and cafés. It’s right next to the Metropolitan Cathedral where you can see some truly mind-blowing stained glass up close so make time for a quick visit there too. Afterwards, if you’re looking for food and drink options, you’ll be just down the road from all of the excellent options offered by Hope Street.