Peterloo Walking Tour with Sibby
Carmel Smickersgill, Tours & Activities Editor
Walk in the footsteps of Manchester’s early 19th Century worker population, with a Peterloo walking tour from Manchester Guided Tours. One of the pivotal moments in our democratic history, the Peterloo Massacre shook british politics. On the 16th August 1819 a crowd of 60,000 protesting workers were savagely dispersed by crowds of bayonet and sabre wielding soldiers. By the end of the day around 600 were injured and some protesters had lost their lives. This civic upheaval was caused by the workers demanding the right to vote, something that we now so easily take for granted.
gain a real sense of people’s movements on that bleak day
Starting at 11:30 am on the steps outside Manchester Art Gallery, seasoned tour guide Elizabeth Sibbery (a.k.a. Sibby) will be retracing the steps of the protesters, soldiers and wounded on that bleak day. Although the city may have evolved around what was once St. Peters field, some of the roads have remained the same and from what still stands you can gain a real sense of people’s movements on that day.
During the Summer Manchester Histories and the People’s History Museum are programming a host of events commemorating the bicentennial of this tragic day. Be sure to check their websites for details.