Theatre, dance and visual art installations at Cloudspotting Festival 2017
Gemma Gibb, Associate Editor
Cloudspotting’s intimate nature, stunning location (in a designated Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty don’t you know?) and top notch arts programme must be a contender for the perfect family festival experience award (which we just made up but if it existed we would totally award it).
Its fine programme for 2017 boasts some of the best new theatrical, dance and visual arts experiences to enjoy over three glorious days. Settle down in a nest and get involved in the life of a bird family like no other as award-winning theatre company Fine Chisel present their new show Fit, Flap, Fly and spot Madam Bridget’s Caravan of Curiosity from storyteller extraordinaire Ian Douglas. We can’t wait for Madam Bridget to blow our minds with bonkers stories, trickery and apparent telepathy ….
Start practising your high kicks now as French cabaret artist Lucie Labadie presents the Oulala Cabaret show showcasing “La Goulue, the queen of the French Cancan and Mistinguette the star of the Charleston” followed by a high energy dance workshop.
More chilled out artistic adventures includes Between Stillness and Storm, a brand new large-scale immersive sculptural installation by artists Aiden Moesby and Tim Shaw, which generates audio and visual responses to our changing weather conditions (hopefully sunny for this particular weekend in July) and a charming solar powered cinema in the festival’s Enchanted Forest.
With an accompanying programme of carnivals, choirs, musical and other captivating creative capers as well as a music line-up that includes Baloji, Jesca Hoop and Moulettes, we recommend snapping up tickets quick smart.