Christmas Family Day: The Gruffalo at the RNCM
Shekina Rose, Families Editor
But who is this creature with terrible claws
And terrible teeth in his terrible jaws?
He has knobbly knees, and turned-out toes,
And a poisonous wart at the end of his nose.
His eyes are orange, his tongue is black,
He has purple prickles all over his back...*
Oh help! Oh no! It’s the Gruffalo… and he’s on his way to the Royal Northern College of Music (RNCM) on Sunday 18 December for The Christmas Family Day: The Gruffalo, just in time for Christmas. The day will be packed with festive family fun and musical treats, including a screening of the magical, mesmerising film The Gruffalo, based on the best-selling book by Julia Donaldson and played alongside a stunning live orchestra.
Young children and their grownups are invited to join Mouse for a special day out, as he takes a stroll through the deep dark wood, where all is quiet… Shushhhh! Mouse is hungry for some delicious nutty snacks, and as he wanders through the forest to find his dinner, he bumps into all sorts of predatory creatures: a crafty, greedy fox, a wise old owl, and a sly, slithering snake, who are all hungry and want to invite tasty Mouse back to their homes for dinner.
But alas, Mouse is brave and clever, and he scares them off with stories of the mysterious, made up Gruffalo – or so he thinks! Little does he know, the unexpected furry Gruffalo beast might actually exist, and he too is peckish for his furry Mouse-shaped dinner…
Come along to the RNCM Christmas Family Day: The Gruffalo from 11am to 4pm for a day of fun, festive performances and creative activities, set up in a casual and relaxed environment for the whole family to enjoy together and get in the mood for the most wonderful time of the year!