Brett Anderson in Conversation at The Dancehouse
Sarah-Clare Conlon, Literature Editor
Coal Black Mornings is a book title that sounds pretty apt for an event organised by Manchester Literature Festival (back in full in October 2018). Yet it’s by Brett Anderson, the founder and singer of Suede, who grew up in Hayward’s Heath ‘on the grubby fringes of the Home Counties’ darn sarf.
We’ll let him off – he studied here in the Rainy City, where he came across bands like The Fall and The Smiths, obvious inspiration in his own musical endeavours. The memoir Coal Black Mornings – out first in hardback with Little, Brown this spring, to coincide with the 25th anniversary of Suede’s first album, and then in Abacus paperback – delves into the singer’s upbringing, student life and the rise of Suede, and records his reflections on his family and friends, love and loss.