Small Axe: Alex Wheatle in conversation with Simon Stephens
Sarah-Clare Conlon, Literature Editor
Two award-winning writers from the Manchester Writing School at Manchester Metropolitan University Simon Stephens and Alex Wheatle discuss Steve McQueen’s Small Axe series of films for the BBC.
Alex is joined by Tony Award-winning playwright and Manchester Writing School professor Simon Stephens to explore the significance and achievement of the Small Axe series.
Author Alex Wheatle MBE worked as a Special Consultant in the Writing Room for the critically acclaimed BBC TV series of films, directed by Oscar-winning Steve McQueen and currently available to watch on the BBC i-player. Alex is also a lecturer in Creative Writing at Manchester Metropolitan University, based in the Manchester Writing School, and an active researcher in the Manchester Centre for Youth Studies.
Alex is joined by Tony Award-winning playwright and Manchester Writing School professor Simon Stephens to explore the significance and achievement of the Small Axe series, giving first-hand insight into the writing process. Simon will also explore Alex’s own story, which is the focus of the fourth film in the series, screening on BBC1 at 9pm on Sunday 6 December.
This event is suitable for adults and also YA readers, anyone interested in the writing process and/or the themes touched on by the series. Teachers may wish to recommend it to their pupils. A resource to support classroom engagement with the series, including links to essays and articles relevant to the BLM movement will be provided to all who register for the event.