Scribble Festival at Chapter One Books
Sarah-Clare Conlon, Literature Editor
Tell Us Another One and Cartwheel Arts have joined forces to bring us Scribble Festival, a two-day celebration of storytelling in all its forms, including poetry, prose and music. On Sunday afternoon, there will be creative writing workshops and Q&As with experts in flash fiction (David Gaffney and, oh, Sarah-Clare Conlon), performance poetry (Chris Jam) and singer-songwriting (Claire Mooney), zine-making and the chance to get your work on the MacGuffin publishing platform. Live readings and music will take the event into the evening, when there will be a poetry slam (with £50 cash prize) and a star turn from Roger Robinson, chosen by arts organisation Decibel as one of the 50 writers who have influenced the black writing canon. Monday morning will see panel discussions about different aspects of the publishing industry with writer Michelle Green (pictured), blogger Len Grant and Michael Schmidt, Editorial and Managing Director of Carcanet Press, plus a speed networking session for writers and organisations to connect.