Science Uncovered 2016 at Manchester Museum
Polly Checkland Harding
Manchester Museum’s next late night event is informative, fun, and just a little bit geeky – introducing: Science Uncovered. On Friday 30 September, Manchester’s leading scientists will be descending on the museum for an event that’s part of the national European Researchers’ Night initiative and in partnership with the Natural History Museum. There will be research on show, music, drinks and a lively atmosphere – and, best of all, it’s completely free.
Be sure to book via Manchester Museum’s eventbrite to secure a place; last year’s event was hugely popular, featuring pop-up bars, speed dating with leading scientists, 3D imaging and more. Science Uncovered is a unique opportunity to delve deeper into science on an evening out – and a fantastic chance to see Manchester Museum’s incredible facility, The Study (which has just had its year anniversary since opening), in action. So, to finally hear the answer to your most burning science-y question (how do we understand the chemistry of a T-rex’s teeth, maybe?) as well as have a rather remarkable night out, head to Manchester Museum on Friday 30 September.