Manchester Mega Mela at Platt Fields Park
Gemma Gibb, Associate Editor
Don’t miss this two day family-friendly festival of music, performance, arts, fashion and food which is the largest celebration of South Asian Culture in the north of England.
The main stage sees a host of top worldwide names and heartthrobs heading right this way. Expect to be swept away by energetic performances from soul singer Zack Knight, princess of British banghra Mona Singh, Bradford’s famous dohl drummers the Punjabi Roots Academy and over 20 other acts.
Kick back and relax at the Chai Serai Marquee with traditional folk, classical and contemporary music, dance and, of course, gallons of chai. Meanwhile make away to your hearts content in the expansive Arts and Crafts Marquee where South Asian artists will be displaying their skills and get involved in rangoli, henna painting, printing, ceramics and other mixed media activity. Flex your creative muscles further with the city’s cultural organisations including The Whitworth, Manchester Museum, Manchester Art Gallery, Contact, Wild Rumpus, Z-arts, People’s History Museum and Madlab who will also be running free workshops and activities across the weekend.
Don’t miss the Kabaddi and take cash for one of the most important parts of the day – the FOOOOOD.
The Manchester Mega Mela is a brilliant example of how Manchester celebrates its diversity so well. Everyone is welcome to two action packed days of quality music and culture organised by the Bangladeshi, Indian, Nepalese, Pakistani and Sri Lankan local communities.