Morning Yoga at Band on the Wall
Carmel Smickersgill, Tours & Activities Editor
We’ve all heard that yoga is great for us, that connecting to our bodies gives us a better grounding in life and that starting a Monday morning with purpose can really change our perspective on the rest of the week. Well, guess what… A lot of that is actually pretty sound advice and don’t Band on the Wall know it. They are offering an affordable and practical Monday morning yoga class to help you make the most of these mantras. Led by Dolores McGowan, a local yoga and pilates legend, you can start your week with purpose as you join fellow yogis in a calm and spacious setting, making Monday morning yoga part of a weekly ritual.
Each class is forty five minutes, the perfect amount to set you up for an intense week without tiring you out before it’s even begun. The level is adjustable for different bodies, abilities and experiences. Whether it’s your very first venture into the world of yoga and you just take 45 mins to breath and be somewhere or you’re an ashtanga loving muscle machine who wants to feel totally present in your body, there will be lots to take away from the class.
The morning yoga practice will combine a mixture of yoga styles giving you a balanced offering which you can adjust to whatever feels right for you on that particular day.
Yogis are encouraged to bring your own mats and props, however this isn’t essential as props will be provided. Access is via the box office doors, which will be open from 7:35 am, allowing more than enough time to come in and set up before the class. The sessions are £5, however if this would prevent you from accessing the class, bursaries are available through Band on the Wall. Simply email their learning department directly at: to enquire about bursary access.