Lunchtime piano recital: Susan Tomes
Creative Tourist
The next concert in the Wesley Centre Concerts 2021- 2022 season is a lunchtime piano recital by the Edinburgh-based, international pianist and author, Susan Tomes. Making a welcome return to Harrogate, Susan will give a brief introduction to each work in the programme, many of which she discusses in her latest book, The Piano – A History in 100 Pieces published in July 2021 by Yale University Press.
The programme:
CPE Bach: Freie Fantasie
Joseph Haydn: Finale of Sonata in E flat, Hoboken XVI:52
Maria Szymanowska: Waltz and Mazurka
Frederic Chopin: Mazurka in C major opus 56 no 2
Amy Beach: ‘Dreaming’, no 3 from Four Sketches, opus 15
Robert Schumann: Arabeske, opus 18
Maurice Ravel: Three pieces from Miroirs: 1. Noctuelles 2. Oiseaux Tristes 3. La Vallée des Cloches
Claude Debussy: Feux d’artifice (Fireworks), from Preludes, book 2.