Our Kids Social Silent Disco and Remembering Belle Vue at The Monastery
Gemma Gibb, Associate Editor
Our Kids Social, renowned purveyors of “knees up with your nippers” bring their legendary silent disco to the incomparable Gorton Monastery.
Rescued from dereliction and once listed as one of the world’s 100 most endangered sites, alongside the Taj Mahal, this stunning Franciscan friary is hosting an action-packed day from 11am – 4pm celebrating the compelling history of Belle Vue as the former “Showground of the World”.
Throughout the day, families can take part in circus skills, live music, heritage stalls and talks about the history of Belle Vue, once one of the most successful entertainment destinations in the UK. At over 165 acres and attracting over two million people a year it was a thrilling combination of zoo, fairground, circus, Speedway and dancehall located on the Monastery’s doorstep.
From 2pm the silent disco will commence with its choice of two channels (kids’ pop and adults’ guilty pleasures), interactive games and dances, plus props and dress-up clobber galore.
All the heritage and all the air guitar …. win, win in our book.