Science Uncovered at Manchester Museum
Creative Tourist
There’s something truly magical and exciting about being inside an historic and labyrinthine building after hours. And when that building is Manchester Museum you’ve got the added attraction of several dinosaur skeletons looking on.
Whilst Science Uncovered won’t be bringing Stan the T Rex to life to chase you around a la Night At The Museum, it may enlighten you as to some of the amazing and ground-breaking research being developed and carried out here.
For the third year running, Manchester Museum collaborates with the Natural History Museum opening up its rather grand doors to give late night access to the curious.
It’s all part of European Researcher’s Night, where hundreds of venues provide the opportunity for us to discover science, meet researchers and explore both collections and the buildings they are housed in. Over 300 cities in Europe and elsewhere will take part this year, Manchester being one of them, and the 2015 night attracted well over a million people across the cities taking part.
With events designed to show off what researchers actually do for society in an interactive, engaging way, Manchester Museum will be making sure that their event isn’t dry and, yes, that does mean there’ll be drinking. Because as well as the research on show, there’ll be music and a bar, ensuring the night goes with a swing and conversation flows.