Meat Pie, Sausage Roll at Oldham Coliseum
Andrew Anderson
Did you see Dreamers? If not, you missed out: the musical about a closed Oldham nightclub was a hit a couple of years back, and showed that the Coliseum is a theatre on the up. Now the same creative team are back, this time with the inescapably Northern title Meat Pie, Sausage Roll – and no, it’s not a show about the staff at Greggs. It’s about Oldham Athletic.
It seems like a very distant memory today, but there was a time in the early 90s when Oldham Athletic were actually good. Under Joe Royle (best known for winning the FA cup with Everton) the team was transformed, going on a great cup run and challenging for promotion to League One (or what is now the Premier League).
In Meat Pie, Sausage Roll, we relive those idyllic days through the eyes of bride-to-be Amanda, whose dad Mick is a football fanatic to the nth degree. Normally that wouldn’t be a problem, but unfortunately for Mick the wedding lands on the final day of the season – potentially the biggest day in the club’s history. Now, you or I would just go to the wedding…but for Mick, deciding is just not that easy.
Creators Cathy Crabb, Lindsay Williams and Carol Donaldson have a real knack for feel good theatre – think The Full Monty, only on stage and with added football songs – so this show will almost certainly raise a smile.