Halloween Foley Workshop at Hyde Park Picture House
Tom Grieve, Cinema Editor
Squelch, smash and splatter this October Half term with Hyde Park Picture House’s Halloween Foley Workshop. The cinema is inviting 8 – 11 year olds to explore the importance of sound in film, and learn a little about what goes into making their favourite creepy movies.
From the whoosh of a ghost to the eerie whispers of a forest at night, Foley artists recreate ambient noises and on-screen sounds for film. The workshop asks children to look at how sound and music is used in everything from early silent horror films to some of their favourite spooky films today.
Then there’s the chance to create your own scary Foley sounds, using terrifying props and your own weird and wonderful creations.
The workshops form part of LHT Unwrapped, and are designed for children to take part in independently. Book quickly though as there are just 15 places available per workshop.