A Damn Fine Twin Peaks Quiz at Gorilla, Manchester
Tom Grieve, Cinema Editor
It’s happening again!
With Twin Peaks set to return to the small screens of discerning viewers later this month, what better way to prepare than to go back to where it all began? You can see Coop, Audrey, Bobby, Sheriff Truman and the rest of the show’s iconic cast in the pilot episode at a special Twin Peaks evening hosted at Gorilla. The much loved show – from American art house titan David Lynch – treads a tricky line between small-town noir, charming soap opera and grisly whodunit that kept viewers on the hook for two seasons and feature length prequel movie as they asked “Who killed Laura Palmer?”
After the pilot screening punters will be invited to answer that question and more as quiz teams go head to head in a quest to the Black Lodge and beyond to win some prime Twin Peak-y prizes. Of course, because no celebration of the show would be complete without it, the RAD Screenings team have you covered with some damn fine coffee and cherry pie straight from the R&R diner. So ready that black suit (or plaid shirt), grab a log and settle in, because that gum you like is back in style.