Manchester Camerata – Mini Music Makers
Ben Williams, Managing Editor
Manchester Camerata sadly had to cancel their upcoming live performances and, as a charity that relies heavily on income from ticket sales and fees for engaged performances, they face significant challenges ahead. However, through this period, they are finding innovative ways to help communities and continue delivering their mission.
They are busy working on putting together a pack of music-related activities that can be used in care homes and led by carers, for people living with dementia, or one-on-one for those in isolation.
What they have ready to go now though will be welcomed by all the parents suddenly finding themselves homeschooling their primary school-aged children. Mini Music Makers is here to help children who are at home, indoors for the duration of quarantine. This new series of online videos, each led by a different Camerata musician, are designed for kids aged 5-7, but can be enjoyed by all the family, and include fun games, music-making, craft and singalongs.
A new Mini Music Makers video will be posted on Manchester Camerata’s Facebook and YouTube channels every Tuesday and Thursday at 10.30am.