5 Hard Truths about the Road to Net Zero
Carmel Smickersgill, Tours & Activities Editor
Net Zero is a huge ambition, which is being planned for and thought about by every industry, council and government. This session, part of Leeds Digital Festival, looks at the realistic approaches in which the industrial base can achieve this target and the lack of data available to policy makers and implementers. Join Data City as they run through some of the key data challenges, possible solutions and discuss how data will ultimately be what helps us achieve Net Zero.
One of the speakers, Alex Craven, has been running digital and tech businesses since 1999 – including award-winning digital agency, Bloom. Alex’s vision was to build a new way of understanding the world’s industries using machine learning and website text. With this new technology, The Data City has launched over 290 new industrial classifications for the emerging economy enabling new sectors such as FinTech, the NetZero supply chain and others to be analysed for the first time.
Keep an eye on the website as more speakers are announced.