Online with Company Chameleon – The Wonder of Dance
Ben Williams, Managing Editor
Company Chameleon formed in 2007 from the collective vision of Co-Artistic Directors Anthony Missen and Kevin Edward Turner. This home-grown Mancunian dance company tour nationally and internationally – telling stories and bringing archetypes to life – with their stunning physicality and deft choreography. Their work goes beyond the stage, working with young people and across the community to help inspire with their work.
Now, in response to the ongoing coronavirus outbreak, Company Chameleon announce a ongoing programme of online events, The Wonder of Dance, from their home to ours.
The company have acted quickly and will be using online activities to keep bringing dance and movement to your lives with a programme which features something for everyone to enjoy from the safety of their homes.
Well done Company Chameleon, another example of a cultural organisation innovating to help keep audiences engaged and entertained.