MINDSCAPES: Manchester Mood Drawings at Manchester Metrolink Stations
Kristy Stott, Theatre Editor
Manchester Mood Drawings is one of five brand-new artworks happening as part of MINDSCAPES, a unique collection of work created by SICK! Festival.
Aiming to illuminate the workings inside a person’s mind, Manchester Mood Drawings will be displayed as posters across Greater Manchester Metrolink network. The works have been created by visual artist Jan Rothuizen in collaboration with people living in Greater Manchester who have experienced mental health issues.
Created in collaboration with people who have experienced mental health issues.
Intricate and personal, Jan Rothuizen’s work usually takes the form of a written map or a graphic report. His work layers detailed factual observation of the environment while also drawing on the meaningful experiences and perspectives of the people who work, practice and live there. The drawings aim to express a person’s inner world – who they are, how they live and how they experience the world. Using a combination of illustration and text, Manchester Mood Drawings will explore the relationship between mental health and the places we live.
The artworks will explore the relationship between mental health and the places we live.
Rothuizen’s works have been presented internationally – at film festivals, museums and galleries – and his works have been translated into English, Spanish and Chinese. He has created the interactive award-winning documentary Refugee Republic (2014), about a refugee camp in Iraq, and the 360º virtual reality animated film Drawing Room (2015).
Manchester Mood Drawings has been created for MINDSCAPES in partnership with Transport for Greater Manchester, The Men’s Room, Buzz Manchester, No 93 Community Centre and Growing Together.