The Modernist App – architectural city tours
Carmel Smickersgill, Tours & Activities Editor
The Modernist Society has been celebrating the architecture of the 20th century through publications, walking tours and exhibitions for years. However, they are now shedding light on some underappreciated architectural gems through the development and launch of a new app. The free Modernist App is all the wealth of the Modernist Society’s knowledge condensed into one place. Whether you’re an urban photographer looking for some inspiration, a life long Mancunian looking for a new way to experience an old city, or a hard core fan of 20th Century aesthetics there’s something in the app that will peek your interest.
Through a series of interactive maps you can take a self guided tour. Exploring the city at your own pace with your own pit stops. Each building highlighted enroute is paired with a detailed description and history which has been passionately curated by the team behind the Modernist. Buildings are objects living in the present; they often don’t reveal their surprising histories until you take a deeper look behind the external surface.
Some of the places highlighted in the tours are staple examples of brutalism and bauhaus which you may walk past every day. Although the buildings themselves may have caught your eye before, it’s rare to learn the full history behind these iconic designs, the multiple lives they’ve lived and varied purposes they’ve served. Alongside the more recognisable addresses you will find the odd hidden gem down an unsuspecting backstreet. Once you discover these enclaves of design and creativity you can also appreciate how they’ve been carved into a fast developing city.
Although the plan is starting with their hometown of Manchester, the Modernist App intends to make tours of other cities available. Soon, fans of 20th Century design will be able to travel with intent following the app through well curated trails of architectural invention.
You can also find out when the Modernist have their next in person events through the app. It’s the easiest way to find out about their upcoming workshops and walking tours.