Reiki Meditation Workshop with Bee Wellness
Carmel Smickersgill, Tours & Activities Editor
Reiki is an ancient Japanese healing therapy that, through tapping into the body’s seven main Chakras, allows physical, mental or emotional healing. Amy from Bee Wellness will create an environment in which you’ll be guided through a healing meditation that should touch on each area of the body allowing you to release tension and sit with your Chakras.
When a chakra is blocked or not working to its full potential, this is when we see physical issues arising in our body, by working in these centres we can activate healing and take control of our own healing abilities. It has been known to really help those looking to relieve stress and find focus, decluttering the noise from your body and mind and replacing it with wonderful, loving, healing vibes.
The workshop will begin the moment you enter the room and using a combination of breath work, and subtle body movements you’ll be guided into a state of grounded calm. From here Amy will take you through each Chakra, encouraging you to become aware of your own tensions. The session will end with a final Shavasana and a short personal reiki for each participant.