Faber Social: Bob Stanley, Jeremy Deller & the story of modern pop

Susie Stubbs

Jeremy Deller and guests discuss Bob Stanley’s new book, “Yeah Yeah Yeah: The Story of Modern Pop”.

Faber Social Manchester presents an event to mark the publication of Yeah Yeah Yeah: the Story of Modern Pop by founding member of Saint Etienne, Bob Stanley, with a panel of guests including artist Jeremy Deller (whose new exhibition opens in Manchester on Friday), Stella Grundy of Intastella, Paul Hanley of The Fall, and director of Un-Convention, Ruth Daniel (who in turn is presenting a make-a-record-in-a-day event on the Saturday of the Weekender). Jeremy Deller describes Bob Stanley’s new book as “a good old romp through the late 20th century’s greatest art form” – which is no mean accolade, is it? Gorilla, 54-56 Whitworth Street West, M1 5WW, 7pm-9pm Thursday 10 October, £7 advance (limited £10 on the door).

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