Hot Bed Press presents The Radical Pop-Up Print Shop

Susie Stubbs

Limited edition, handmade ‘zines, chapbooks, posters and prints – made in Manchester and given away for one day only.

Head to Oxford Road on Saturday and you’ll stand a chance of getting your hands on a screenprinted, artist-produced poster, print, chapbook or flyer made exclusively for the Manchester Weekender – completely free. Hot Bed Press has commissioned 1,000 limited-edition printed wares from its members and, via two pop-up print stands that will be wheeled along Oxford Road all day, will be giving them away to all comers. The two mobile print stands are easily spotted: they’re manned by friendly artisans, are embellished with bunting (the design is barrow boy meets Victorian pamphleteer), and they’ll also pop up outside some of our other Weekender venues. Not only that, but each stand is also armed with the weapons of mass reproduction: when they’re not giving things away, said artisans will get busy making more prints. From mini Adana presses to bespoke screenprinting kits, the Radical Pop-Up Print Shop means that you can get your mitts on prints that are – literally – hot off the press!

News just in: Print shop 1 (think steam-punk meets Thunderbirds) starts at Cornerhouse at 11am-1pm then moves on. Print shop 2 also starts at Cornerhouse at 11am but then moves quickly on to All Saints/School of Art, then from 1pm moves to Manchester Museum.Print Shop 2 will be having live typewriter tweets throughout the day; Print Shop 1 will be printing with one of the smallest Adana letterpress presses you have ever seen. Oxford Road, 11am-5pm, Saturday 12 October, free.

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